Positive Discipline Coaching Cafe

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Positive Discipline Coaching Cafe

Positive Discipline Coaching Cafe is a place of encouragement, help, and support for the teachers implementing PD in their classes. Here we discuss possible tools and solutions for different challenging kids’ behaviors, discipline-related topics, and share our stories of success. Together, we take the courage to be imperfect and open ourselves for every day, step-by-step improvement in the name of our deep respect, love, and commitment to our children.

Learning Tree Academy – Wood Ridge, NJ

Phone Number201-460-7070

Fax Number: 201-460-4914 
Website: https://www.learningtreeatoz.com
: 150 Park Place E Wood Ridge, NJ 07075-1805
Hours of Operation:
Mon – Fri:  – 
Sat – Sun: Closed

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